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Friday, July 29, 2011

Still Moving Forward

Here's my list of things that I monitor:
- White blood cell/platelets/immune system counts: about 40% of baseline and continuing to improve
- Hair loss has stopped. No need to get a haircut or shave, but I still have my eyebrows. ;<)
- Walking. Have gone beyond up and down the street and now making 3 block walks.
- Sleeping. In bed longer and sleeping deeper. Still can not get a solid sleep all night.
- Line catheter. Taken out yesterday. I did not realize how long it was, like 12 inches. It ran from my jugular to the heart. Wow!
- GI tract. According to the docs, it will take several weeks after I return to baseline. Oh, well.
- Driving. Not yet.
- Chores. Able to do more around apartment to be self-sufficient.
- Anemia. Still pretty weak in terms of having energy. It's a good thing that no one is depending on me.
- Cleo, the dog. Can't take her back yet. Not strong enough or having sufficient energy.

It's now six days since I was discharged.


  1. Like I said, one day at a time. Glad your improving Larry and you will be doing more and more as the days pass. I'm sure you miss Cleo, she'll be back soon with you. <3

  2. 3 block walks sounds really encouraging considering what you've been through. Keep your chin up Larry you'll get your life back with Cleo included! Remember there are people out here rooting for you! :)

  3. Larry, it's been a few days, how are you feeling? Hopefully better and stronger each day!
