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Friday, July 22, 2011

Home Coming

I've such a tumult of emotional ins and outs now because of some wonderful news.

The doctors have cleared me to check out tomorrow morning. I am going home.

One more step on this journey is complete. It is time for me to move from the ?comfort? of the hospital with 24 hour care and supervision, freeing me from worrying about handling my own needs to my home where I will once again have to assume the responsibility for dressing and feeding and self-care.

I'm ready for the challenge, but it will take inner strength to get thru this next step.

When I was a heavy-duty jogger, the thrill of the run was never the start. The elation came when I broke thru the "runners wall" and achieved that physical state of just being able to keep going, without a concentrated effort over the body. The running just continued to happen.

Tomorrow I will approach that runner's wall. It is still in the distance but I believe that the day is coming when I will pick up the pieces and move seamlessly back to a normal life.

;<) The doctors say "in about six months".


  1. Larry, this is wonderful news, albeit wrapped in many emotions. We are praying for you. and you have a bunch of falcon watchers who watch fellow watchers. So though this is your journey, we have your back. And we are a text/phone call away

  2. This is great Larry, prayers do work. I'm so happy for you and what a journey huh? Be well and stay well. God Bless.

  3. 6 months to be back to a normal life? Did you forget to tell the doctors there's nothing normal about you? LOL...only teasing. I am so happy that you are progressing so well. As Jeanne said, we are only a phone call or text away. If you need anything at all, please let us know! Tomorrow as you celebrate coming home...Casey, Abby, Bullet, Dawn, Brian & I will be thinking of you as we meet at Durand beach like old times. The only thing missing will be you and Cleo. Hopefully before Summer's end, you can join us again.

  4. Larry, I hope you continue with your blog, when you can, of course. Would be nice to know how your doing while at home also. Be well.
