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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stepping Back From the White Light

At the end of a transfusion, I went into anaphalatic shock. It was the scariest feeling: uncontrollable tremors and restricted breathing.

The worst part was lying in the bed, wired up to a breathing device, being force-pumped steriods and god-knows-what-else, and monitoring devices beeping in the background.

As my breathing became more labored, there came a 2-minute period where I came to believe that I was not going to make it. With doctors and nurses surrounding my bed, my thoughts drifted to my son and his family, my family and friends. For that brief period, I believed that I would not see them again.

It was most upsetting.

There came a point in time when I could breath a little easier, and all of a sudden things were not so bleak, but it made me realize how fragile one is. I know that I have much to reflect on when I get out of here. It's been 2 weeks already.

On a positive note, my counts came back this morning and they were higher, which is good because it means the tranfused stem cells are differentiating into the needed parts.


  1. OMG, Larry, I am so glad you came through this. I also hope they figured out what caused this so you/they can take precautions. Wonderful news about our counts. We are praying for you and cheering you on.

  2. Oh Larry, God was on your side. I'm so glad it turned out OK for you. Your a lucky man. Sending prayers to you.

  3. Prayers ever single day for you, Larry. Bro had stem cell transplant and Dad had anaphylactic shock after IV dye,. Luck was with them and it will be w/ you too.
    Went to Eye institute next door and looked at Cancer Center trying to guess which window was yours.
    Your FB friend via Jeanne,

  4. Larry,
    I know by the grace of God you will get through this a wiser and stronger you! Keep the faith my falcon watching friend!

  5. Larry, how are you feeling today? Still sending healing wishes to you.
