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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Moving Forward

It's the small things.

Today I did some chores around the apartment: laundry and some cleaning. It's a sign of taking back your life.

I've been very grateful to the folks who have come to my place to walk with me in the mornings and evenings in order to get my exercise in.

The big event was my return to the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at Strong for my initial follow-up upon discharge.

Twice I choked up there. First when I was outside the unit door and second when I saw my room. Spending 17 days in a place, getting away from it and then having to return evokes powerful feelings. I tried to explain to my brother what it meant to face those experiences again, but how can one? They are personal and based on an individual set of conditions; they are not a collective experience.

The good news is that the follow-up went well. I've a very long road, but the first tentative steps of recovery are complete. Every week will bring improvement, and that is how it is for everyone.

So be it.


  1. I can't even say I know how this all feels. But, it seems, from this outside view, that you have travelled far from when you first went on the unit and into that room. You had to come out on the other side of so many things. And there are more things to encounter well and you will.

  2. Amen jeanne! Larry, your coming along well and all you can do is take one day at a time. I'm amazed at your progress already. <3

  3. Larry the only thing that comes to mind right now is that good things come to those who wait. It's comin' you just got to keep the faith my fellow falcon loving friend! The worst is definitely behind you now! Stay positive!!! :)
