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Monday, July 11, 2011

Here it comes

This is not going to be a fun post.

The side effects are kicking in. It's not much right now, but it is getting worse. Right now it is dry mouth, a 5 lb weight gain in 5 days (and I'm not eating that much) and an increasing sense of nausea.

The dry mouth does not go away and I've already drunk about a quart of fluids from o.j. to water to ginger ale to milk. I can't find something to keep me from that feeling.

The nausea (as expected) had to come sooner or later. The staff has started to give me a pill to dampen it. They said that it had to happen. Okay, so that's the rule.

I called Mercedes and will do the haircut tonight. Right now, if I don't get the haircut out of the way, I'll be a spotted, half-balding kind of guy in a week with a really ugly look.

Better get that "high-and-tight" now.

On the positive side, Mercedes told me that Lola (my cat) is doing well at her house. She is eating and investigating, spending most of the day outside, which is how she behaves with me. That's good. One worry out of the way.

And Cleo (my dog) is doing well with my brother and sister-in-law. I did not doubt that, but also another worry out of the way.

Well, the die is cast. I "crossed the Rubicon" last Thursday when I checked in to Strong Memorial Hospital to start this process. Not much to do now but to ride it out ...


  1. What about something with ginger for the nausea?

  2. Stay strong brother!

    Larry~ can you stomach chewing gum? Biotene is really good for dry mouth. I will bring you some stuff this weekend that some friends used during chemo to help with the oral nastiness.

    And you gotta remember: baldies are hot. ;)

  3. Just yesterday there was a segment on TV that said what Paul n Diane said-- that bald is hot! Sheesh, Larry, you could have just shaved your head to begin with instead of going through all this:)

  4. Be well Larry and keep that sense of humor.

  5. My bro went on the stem cell trip. He was 64. It was a success. I got him a whole bunch of adult Connect the Dotv books and he brought them and crayons. Our Mom used to get us both Connect the Dot books when we were little kids.
    He worked on those books every day he was up to it during the time he spent in that room.
    They especially helped to get his mind away from the tummy effects.
    Good luck, Guy. Yo have a FB fan you don't even know who is in your corner.
