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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Here We Go! Let's Rock!

Got the call yesterday. A bed is available. Be at the Stem-Cell Transfusion Unit at 8:00 a.m. the next day.


It's the next day and I am checked in. I've got my pressurized room. Had a nice intro by Tracy. I'm unpacked and ready to go. Waiting on orders for the melphalan and amifostine.

Started the ice therapy which is sucking ice chips continuously as a form of cryo treatment for the mouth and throat. The melphalan, in addition to destroying the cancer cells, will also destroy the protective cells of the GI tract. I'm guessing this is going to make me feel miserable, based on what I've read and what I've been told by the medical professionals.

So let's coin a couple of space-adventure themes here:
" To boldly go where no man (or no one) has gone before ... "
" And so it begins, ... " --- Babylon 5


  1. Hey Larry, you're a good writer! I'm subscribed. Hang in there! - Ralph

  2. Larry-- so glad you are blogging so we can keep up with you. Praying and thinking of you! If you need anything, give a holler!
