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Monday, June 27, 2011

Getting the 2nd Diagnosis

It's a cliche, but you just can not be prepared for the news.

After the neurologist sent me to the hematologist, the only thing I was thinking was that we had a diagnosis of Chronic Imflammatory Demylinating Polyneuropathy (to paraphrase Halle Berry in 'Die Another Day' - "Now, that's a mouthful."). We had a treatment plan of Intravenous Gammagloblin (another mouthful), and so why do I have to take time out to go see another doctor about another obscure - to me - blood level reading.

"You have a collection of symptoms that indicate a syndrome called POEMS. We don't have much experience with it here, so we suggest that you visit the Mayo Clinic for a second opinion to confirm POEMS or develop another diagnosis". In a nutshell, that was the delivery.

Points for honesty. It would have been easy for the doctor to go ego-tripping and not tell me about getting a second opinion.

Points for getting me down there to talk. I was not ready to acknowledge the importance of the news. I had a neuropathy diagnosis, and did not nor was I looking for a cancer diagnosis. That led to the question. "So are we talking about cancer?" And the answer - drum roll here - "Yes".

Badda - bing. Badda - boom.

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